
Dehondt Composites transforms and markets 6 ranges of reinforcements : LINTEX, NATTEX Roving, NATTEX Fabrics, NATTEX P-PREG, NATTEX Tapes and NATTEX Panel, which are implemented according to their application : automobile, aeronautics, rail, marine, sport & leisure, construction, etc.

Products sheets and services (860 KB)

All of these products incorporate a complete quality approach that englobes :

  • Traceability of raw materials from the seed to growing conditions, harvesting and processing
  • Qualified products meeting specific standards (ISO and NF XP T 25-501) for technical flax fibre
  • Experience of over 10 years in the use of bio-based reinforcement in composite materials working in collaboration with industry players and recognized composite laboratories

You can also find our products information on 900GPa, the worldwide database with free access dedicated to composite materials.